I’m Going To Try To Not Dine Out At All This Month

I have a problem.

It’s laziness.

It’s not that I’m lazy in the sense that I don’t like to move. I run and exercise almost every day.

It comes down to this.

Prepping food.

I’d honestly walk down the street and order a quinoa burrito bowl at this health food restaurant than cook a meal on my own.

And you know where that got me?

Well, let’s break it down.

Right now, I have roughly $900 in credit card debt.

Around $600 of that is from going out to eat. How? I asked myself. I haven’t gone out on a single date this month.

I spent $100 on one meal (it was a pretty good steak from El Almacen, with two glasses of wine, brussel sprouts, and a block of grilled provolone cheese). The meal was actually $170, but split in two, with tip. Totally unnecessary meal. But worth it. And the occasion called for it! Nothing like having a great meal with a great friend.

The rest were from little thing: a $30 meal for two from Wingstop, a couple of Sweetgreen orders for two. Buying food for models. (I’m going to do less of this!)

Anyway, I’m going to try to stop spending so much money on dining out.

There have been a ton of posts about not spending money at restaurants. It takes a lot of discipline. And you end up not hanging out with friends.

So here’s what I’m going to do.

Buy food. Make myself cook. Have friends over.

Now there’s a reason to cook more. Feed my friends and myself in the process.

I don’t want to be left out of my circle of friends just because I’m trying to save money by not going out. So my plan is to have people over at my apartment.

Bars? Overpriced alcohol with people I don’t care to talk to (at this point in my life). I’d rather hang out with my friends at my apartment (or theirs) with a nice bottle of wine (or whiskey or beer) and eat a nice home cooked meal.

It would help if I had a chef friend!

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