I’m Moving…

Sorry for the headline.

But it’s true.

I’m moving.

I’m moving from Runkeeper to Strava. (Add me!)


I’m moving from one running app to another. That’s the big news.

I do have some big news that I should share, but that requires me to sit down and plan out an actual story.

This. This is just an update.

Last month, I logged in a total of 73 miles. That’s not too bad. I can break 100 miles. 10 miles in 10 days. That sort of deal.

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What surprised me the most is that I’ve only gone on 29 runs since April. I thought it would’ve been higher. But it makes sense. I can’t run five days in a row. Not without breaking down. I’ve adopted the alternating day runs. Monday morning, Wednesday morning, Friday morning, Saturday morning. The Friday runs are usually on the short side.

What exactly am I training for? Probably another half marathon. That I’ll run without actually entering a race.

I haven’t been stretching or eating healthy lately.

I recently discovered this website to help me start meal prepping and eating clean and healthy again.

I really need to start eating healthy. Please someone give me the inspiration and motivation to do so!

My friend recommended that I quit drinking, too. That’s going to be very difficult to do, since I’ve rediscovered my appetite for going out and drinking excessively.

Farewell beer belly! Hello body cleanse!

After spending some time on the beach this month, I’ve decided to really hunker down and cook meals for myself.

But then I went out today and bought myself a Whopper.

The hell is wrong with me?

Also, please recommend me a really high BPM playlist to run to. I’d really like to break my eight minute per mile average.

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